offers great prices on vaporizers. Check out this vaporizer. Remember we offer cash and quantity discounts.

Item# vp500-vaporizer

Product Description

The VP-500 is one of our bestselling globe style vaporizers. It is a low budget herbal vaporizer designed for those that cannot afford to spend hundreds on an expensive vaporizer that perform the same task. The VP-500 herbal vaporizer utilizes conduction heating technology to vaporize herbs. It is small, light weight, and very portable. Because of the simplicity of the VP-500, the quality and reliability of the vaporizer is astounding. It is one of our best vaporizers with a small number of defective vaporizers.

Vaporizer Features:

• Hand free glass whip

• Conduction heating technology to vaporize your herbs

• It is easy to use and ready in 3 minutes

• Just plug it in! That is it! The vaporizer will take care of the rest. The vaporizer will automatically adjust to the proper temperature

• Great for parties or large groups

• Analog dial for temperature adjustment

• Cheap vaporizer who those of you that are living on a tight budget

NOTE TO BUYER: Our Vaporizers are not for medical use. This vaporizer is not a medical device!!! All of vaporizers on this website are intended for legal recreational aromatherapy use only. You must be at least 18 years old to buy from this website.